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Bergamot Oil

Product description

botanical name : citrus bergamia fruit oil

source : uk

plant : skin of fruit

collection method :cold pressed

as the origin of eau de cologne, a perfume concocted by johann maria farina at the beginning of 18th century, the volatile oil of bergamot gained by cold-press technique offering the unique citrus and light note with mild spicy tone. sometimes called “the finest flower of citrus”, the essential oil of the fruit named after the italian city of bergamo where it has been cultivated and sold for a long time is popular for its benefits in reducing stress, depression or grief and also used to combat oily skin and acne.

skincare: anti-bacteria, stimulate skin’s blood circulation, helps to unclog pores and balance sebum levels
immune system: colds, flu.
nervous system: balancing aromatherapy.
work well with
with its light and sparkling note, bergamot can be blended well with most essential oils, especially with grapefruit, orange, geranium, rosemary, vetiver and ylang-ylang.

direction to use
skincare and personal care - dilute with carrier oils before applying to the skin.
home fragrance - dilute with mixing bases for reed diffuser, burner, and home spray.

keep in a tightly closed and dark glass or aluminium container and store at temperature below 20 °c. avoid the direct sunlight or exposure to high voltage electrical lighting. after opening, use up as early as possible.

phototoxic: extreme care must be taken when using the oil in dermal applications, or a rectified, bergapten-free oil should be substituted.


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