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Product description

botanical name : mentha piperita

source : china

plant : leaf

collection method : steam distillation

one of the world’s oldest medicine for combating against variety of issues, in victorian times, peppermint was added to hot water for mopping floors in order to remove negativity.

being jealous by persephone, wife of pluto the god of the dead, the nymph menthe or minthe was turned into a lowly plant to be trod upon, though with so much love but unable to reverse the spell, pluto can do only soften the curse by giving menthe peppermint’s sweet scent to perfume the air.

served as an enclosure in the scrolls to signify friendship and love in oriental sovereigns, this aromatic hybrid herb that’s a cross between spearmint and watermint offers the oil with sharp odor, cool and refreshing, due to its main chemical components are menthol and menthone.

skincare: acne, dermatitis, ringworm, scabies, toothache.
circulation muscles and joints: neuralgia, muscular pain, palpitations.
respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, halitosis, sinusitis, spasmodic cough - when inhaled (in steam) it checks catarrh temporarily, and will provide relief from head colds and bronchitis: its antispasmodic action combines well with this to make it a most useful inhalation in asthma.
digestive system: colic, cramp, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.
immune system: colds, flu, fever.
nervous system: fainting, headache, memtal fatigue, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo.
work well with
also appears in an ancient remedy for both chinese and japanese cultures, the multi-purpose peppermint oil can team well with the essential oils of geranium, grapefruit, juniper berry, lavender and rosemary.

direction to use
skincare and personal care - dilute with carrier oils before applying to the skin.
home fragrance - dilute with mixing bases for reed diffuser, burner, and home spray.

keep in a tightly closed and dark glass or aluminium container and store at temperature below 20 °c. avoid the direct sunlight or exposure to high voltage electrical lighting. after opening, use up as early as possible.

generally nontoxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing. however, in concentration can irritate the skin. should be diluted before apply on skin.


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