botanical name : juniperus communis
source : austria
plant : fruit
collection method : steam distillation
a symbol of the canaanties’s fertility goddess ashera or astarte in syria and according to the old testament, an angelic presence sheltered the prophet elijah from queen jezebel’s persuit, juniper is one of herbs frequently included in medicine bundles and protective amulets among many tribal people. with its sweet and pine-scented berries, juniper is actually in the cypress family preferring open field and sunny location.
referred in “the juniper tree” a german fairy tale collected by the brothers grimm, the most common culinary use of its berry is as a spice to flavor gin while the essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the crushed, dried or fermented berries traditionally has been used to “detoxify” body and promote healthy digestion and skin beauty with the incredible antioxidant benefit. having the scent of woody, spicy and clean, when used for its aroma, juniper berry oil offers a calming and grounding effect.
skincare: acne, dermatitis, eczema, hair loss, haemorrhoids, oily complexions, as a skin toner, wounds.
circulation muscles and joints: accumulation of toxins, arteriosclerosis, cellulitis, gout, obesity, rheumatism.
immune system: colds, flu, infections.
genito-urinary system: amenorrhoea, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
nervous system: anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions.
work well with
the sweet and balsamic aroma enables this versatile oil to complement all citrus essential oils as well as the oils of lavender, geranium and rosemary.
direction to use
skincare and personal care - dilute with carrier oils before applying to the skin.
home fragrance - dilute with mixing bases for reed diffuser, burner, and home spray.
keep in a tightly closed and dark glass or aluminium container and store at temperature below 20 °c. avoid the direct sunlight or exposure to high voltage electrical lighting. after opening, use up as early as possible.
generally nontoxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing. however, in concentration can irritate the skin. should be diluted before apply on skin.