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Product description

botanical name : juniperus virginiana

source : north america

plant : bark

collection method : steam distillation

a pyramidal evergreen tree is native to the atlas mountains of north africa. believed that its aromatic scent takes our souls to heart of the forest. also, this woody-tranquil essential oil can establish the bottomless peace and stillness.

skin care: acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, greasy skin, hair loss, skin eruptions, uclers.
circulation muscles and joints: arthritis, rheumatism.
respiratory system: bronchitis, catarrh, congestion, cough
nervous system: nevous tension, stress-related conditions.
other: insect repellent (moths).
work well with
very remarkable when it is blended with drops of oriental and floral bases like jasmine, juniper, neroli, vetiver, rosemary, ylang ylang.

direction to use
skincare and personal care - dilute with carrier oils before applying to the skin.

keep in a tightly closed and dark glass or aluminium container and store at temperature below 20 °c. avoid the direct sunlight or exposure to high voltage electrical lighting. after opening, use up as early as possible.

generally nontoxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing. however, in concentration can irritate the skin. should be diluted before apply on skin. the oil should not be used on young children. when taken internally is toxic.


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